
Visiting St. Paul's

We are delighted that you are visiting us via the web, and hope you'll join us in worship, study or advocacy for and accompaniment of our neighbors.

Please browse through our website, and if you have any questions, please call our office (970) 482-2668 or email office@stpauls-fc.org.

We are a community worshiping in the Episcopal tradition, which has its roots in the oldest of Christian practices. We are a place where important contemporary questions are valued as much as eternal answers.  Those seeking and those settled, those who celebrate and those who mourn, those who doubt and those who believe, cisgender and gender diverse — St. Paul's is a place that is committed to welcome all people in the name of Christ.

"Help! I've never been to church before."  
If you’re new to Episcopalian worship, don’t despair; you’re in good company. Many of our members came from other faith traditions or had no previous experience of church at all. The people in the pew with you will be more than happy to show you the ropes. The ushers also are there to assist you. You’ll notice that there are many times during worship when some people stand, some people kneel, and still others remain seated. We feel that your personal sense of what’s right is important.

"What opportunities for participation are available at St. Paul's?"
St. Paul’s is a church of ministers. Many teams and individuals work to welcome, nurture and serve the people of the parish, the larger community, and the world. We are always looking for people to help with our ministries to the St. Paul’s community. Go here to learn more. In service to the community, you might volunteer at the Food Bank or the Faith Family Hospitality program, or support school children in Haiti. All you need is your willingness to serve. Go here for more information