Recordings of Worship Services and Sermons
The worship services below are regular Sunday morning worship experiences and some special services. We are worshiping in the sanctuary and on Zoom. The special services are designated by title.
Sunday, 3/23/25
Sunday, 3/16/25
Due to issues with recording sound, today we have only recorded the sermon, by Pastor Felicia SmithGraybeal, the Prayers of the People, and special prayers for healing and travel for parishioners.
Sunday, 3/9/25
This is the recording of worship on March 9, the first Sunday in Lent. For the sermon, by Pastor Felicia SmithGraybeal, go to 18:16 on the progress bar. [Our recording is a little different, as the church computer and Zoom were not talking during this service. We used our iPad cameras instead.]
Sunday, 3/2/25
Here is the recording of worship on March 2. For the sermon, by Pastor Ernesto Medina, go to 17:08 on the progress bar.
Sunday, 2/23/25
Here’s the recording of worship on February 23. For the sermon, by Laurie Gudim, go to 17:57 on the progress bar.
sunday, 2/16/25
Our first 301 Faith Partners shared worship service of 2025. Pastor Felicia preaches; Mother Rosean of Mary of Magdala ECC presides. For the sermon, go to 18:57 on the progress bar.
Sunday, 2/9/25
This is a recording of worship on February 9, 2025. Preaching is by LuMin student Jonathan Watford, and can be found at 17:54 on the progress bar.
You may view all our worship and adult education sessions on our YouTube Channel