The 301 Faith Partners
October, 2023, marks the sixth year of the faith partnership of St Paul’s Episcopal Church, Mary of Magdala Ecumenical Catholic Community and Trinity Lutheran Church. Worshiping as individual faith communities, we share a large, lovely building and work together toward common goals in ministry.
We have learned we can be more and do more together as ecumenical partners, building a truly helpful presence in the neighborhood and sharing in ministry, education and worship. With the “301 Faith Partners Covenant” each church continues to be a unique entity retaining all the beliefs and practices of each of our faith traditions. We approach our partnership like a marriage between unique individuals. Our covenant with one another is not exhaustive - and the foundation of decision-making is love and respect grounded in the mission of Christ. This mission has a church - here at 301 E Stuart St.
On May 23, 2023, we invited our bishops, the episcopal overseers of each of our faith traditions, to come and talk with us about how they view our move to be partners in mission. Here is a recording of that conversation and blessing.
Clergy of the 301 Faith Partners: left to right, Pastor Rick Reiten, Trinity Lutheran Church; Mother Rosean Amaral, Mary of Magdala Ecumenical Catholic Community; Deacon Katie Kline, Trinity Lutheran Church; The Rev. Jane Reina, Mary of Magdala Ecumenical Catholic Community; Pastor Felicia SmithGraybeal, St Paul’s Episcopal Church
Our Vision - ‘Our guiding Light’
Weaving a tapestry of love, hope and justice for the world.
Our Mission - 'What we do'
301 Faith Partners is an inclusive community dedicated to be more, and do more together, while respecting individual gifts and traditions. We welcome all people and offer a spiritual refuge with opportunities for individual and collective growth. We commit to work for social justice and to protect all creation.
Our Prayer - 'As we work together'
Eternal Source of Creativity and Wisdom, who by the Holy Spirit guided the Apostles in all knowledge and truth, be present with us, the 301 Faith Partners. In the passions of debate give us a quiet spirit, in the complexities of the issues give us clear minds, and in the moments of decision give us courageous hearts. Guide us in all things to seek only your dream for your people; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Our Convenant
As we move into a long-term partnership, Trinity Lutheran, St. Paul’s Episcopal, and Mary of Magdala Ecumenical Catholic Community, will have expectations of one another, renewable agreements, and promises to one another. As three separate and unique congregations, but one faith community, we covenant with one another:
We covenant to LOVE – to love God, Self, and our Partners in Ministry as we Love Our Self - seeking together God’s will for our partnership.
We covenant to COMMUNICATE – to be open, honest, and more effective in communication among our three congregations; to communicate the decisions and work of our faith partnership to all three congregations; to respect each congregation to retain its own unique historical character, governance, and polity, as each continues to manage its own finances, even as we share expenses.
We covenant to WORK TOGETHER in all Volunteer Areas – to help share the responsibility and care of our common spaces including sanctuary, kitchen, narthex, fellowship hall, and sacristy. We will continue to work together across ministry teams such as Faith Formation, Social Eco Justice, Music, and Property, while promising to find other ways to faithfully engage in ministry together.
We covenant to SHARE monthly Operations and Maintenance Expenses – to reassess each congregation’s contribution, based on need and ability, to the shared expenses of operating and maintaining the church and its ministries. We share together the information of finances, to better contribute to the shared expense of ministry.
We covenant to INVITE one another into any capital expense – to consider, create, and fund capital projects (expenses outside normal monthly operation and maintenance) for use by all three congregations.