. . . on the Way of Love

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Fort Collins

A community following christ into risky, messy, compassionate relationship with god, our neighbors and the world

Sunday Morning Worship is at 9 am

Come in person - Here ———->

Trinity Lutheran Church, 301 E Stuart St., Fort Collins, CO., 80525 - three congregations are partners here!

you may also join us on Zoom

Meeting ID: 896 7616 4246; Passcode: 419433


Our partners sunday morning worship times:

Trinity Lutheran Church - 10:30 am; Mary of Magdala Ecumenical Catholic Community - 12:30 pm.

Three times each year we join together to share worship.

Coming Events

Adult Formation, 10:30 am sundays in the sun Room and on Zoom: “Everyday Mysticism”

Each week a different presenter talks about a mystic they know and love. As Richard Rohr says, “a mystic is anyone who has a direct experience of God”, so you’ll see some provocative choices! We then offer ways for participants to experience their own “God language” through practices in keeping with how each mystic experiences the Divine. Finally, you will have the opportunity for a take-away in which you can engage during the week. For recordings of sessions sessions that have already occurred, go HERE.

2/23 - Cynthia Day presents Evelyn Underhill

3/2 - Dicy Adams presents John O’Donohue


Ash Wednesday Worship Services - 3/5/25 - everyone is welcome to join any of these three worship services:

7 am - Trinity Lutheran Church leads

12 pm - Mary of Magdala ECC leads

7 pm - St. Paul’s Episcopal Church leads

Lenten wednesday evening taize worship and soup suppers

March 12, 19, 26, and April 2 and 9 - worship at 6 pm; soup suppers at 6:30 pm. To sign up to bring soup or bread, go HERE

BELONGING on the Way of Love:

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, a Place of Courage, Compassion, Curiosity, and Community


SHARING the Way of Love:

The 301 Faith Partnership, A vital collaboration


GROWING on the Way of Love


EXPLORING the Way of Love:
