. . . on the Way of Love
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Fort Collins
A community following christ into risky, messy, compassionate relationship with god, our neighbors and the world
Sunday Morning Worship is at 9 am
Come in person - Here ———->
Trinity Lutheran Church, 301 E Stuart St., Fort Collins, CO., 80525
you may also join us on Zoom
Meeting ID: 896 7616 4246; Passcode: 419433
- three congregations are partners here! Our partners sunday morning worship times:
Trinity Lutheran Church - 10:30 am; Mary of Magdala Ecumenical Catholic Community - 12:30 pm.
Three times each year we join together to share worship.
Coming Events
Adult Formation, 10:30 am sundays in the sun Room and on Zoom: Pilgrimage
What is a pilgrimage and how do we engage in one? As Pastor Felicia prepares to begin her sabbatical, we are preparing to begin the parallel undertakings in which the parish will engage while she is away. Come and join us!
3/16 - The pilgrimage of Jesus in the Wilderness
3/23 - Intro to Celtic “pereginatio” pilgrimage
3/30 - The Heroes’ Journey and Pilgrimage (Tolkien)
4/6 - The Sensory Walk and Other Mindfulness Practices for Pilgrimage
4/13 - Walking the Stations of the Cross as a Pilgrimage of Surrender
Do you have a pastoral emergency?
Email the church office - we check this email regularly: office@stpauls-fc.org
Some different types of pilgrimage: 1) systematic journeys with a set route and destination; 2) journeys with vague or broad destinations undertaken for the purpose of learning or transformation; 3) “journeys” forced upon us by life or by the soul, e.g. moving through a major illness or into a need for a life change; 4) journeys in situ, like walking a labyrinth or praying the Stations of the Cross; 5) inner pilgrimages using Jungian analysis, psychotherapy, a daily spiritual practice, or other modalities
Lenten wednesday evening taize worship and soup suppers
March 12, 19, 26, and April 2 and 9 - worship at 6 pm; soup suppers at 6:30 pm. To sign up to bring soup or bread, go HERE